A Soldier's Story: Sergeant David Quentin Douthit

Sergeant David Quentin Douthit was born on October 20, 1966, in Ketchikan, Alaska. He was an avid skier and motocross rider, winning the Alaskan State Championship in 1982. Sergeant David Douthit graduated from Soldotna High School in 1984 and enlisted in the US Army in 1986. He was trained for calvary units and was sent to posts in Germany and Washington State before Sergeant David Douthit deployed with the 134th Armored Detachment to the Persian Gulf in December 1990 for Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield and the Gulf War. On February 27,1991, while attempting to rescue soldiers in another disabled vehicle, Sergeant David Douthit was fatally wounded by enemy fire. He rests at the Spruce Grove Memorial Park in Kasilof, Alaska. * Read about a.d. elliott's Everyday Patriot Project here* ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia. In addition to her travel writings at...